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  1. Project Identifier Information

    2. Project Number: D70MC04492
    3. Email address: wendtj@azdhs.gov

  2. Budget

    1. MCHB Grant Award Amount: (Line 1, Form 1)$250,000
    2. Unobligated Balance: (Line 2, Form 1)$100,495
    3. Matching Funds: (if applicable) (Line 3, Form 1)$0
    4. Other Project Funds: (Line 4, Form 1)$48,762
    5. Total Project Funds: (Line 5, Form 1)$399,257

    The MCHB Grant Award Amount may differ from the total budget amount displayed on the Snapshots page due to grant actions that occurred after this report was submitted. These grant actions would include supplemental funding such as carryovers and extensions.

  3. Type(s) of Service Provided

    • Direct Health Care Service
    • Enabling Service
    • Infrastructure Building Service

  4. Project Description on Experience to Date

    1. Project Description

      1. Problem:

        Arizona does not have a single forum to address the health, human service, and educational needs of CSHCN. We work with local communities, cyshcn and their families, and local and federal MCHB programs to identify integration activities and make this information available on the grant’s website

      2. Goals and Objectives: List up to 5 major goals and time-framed objectives per goal for the project.

        Goal 1: Provide a statewide forum to discuss the integration of services for CSHCN at the community level that includes national, state, local agencies, and CYSHCN and their families.
        Objective 1: Developed an Integrated Task Force by October 2005 to oversee the activities of 9 subcommittees to describe recommendations for integrated services for CSHCN at the community level to be submitted in a white paper to the governor by May 2008.
        Objective 2: Develop a URL (www.AZIS.gov) that provides public access to the agendas, minutes, and activities of the Integrated Task Force and all of the committees, as well as resources relevant each group’s assigned task by October 2005.
        Objective 3: Investigate the creation of a data warehouse of all state-funded data related to cyshcn to ensure that providers can verify which services children are receiving thus avoiding duplicate and/or absent referral patterns and make recommendations to the Governor by May 2008.
        Goal 2: Work collaboratively with diverse partners to develop consistent, interagency, family-driven, culturally competent, competency-based education relevant to CSHCN through multimedia venues.
        Objective 1: Utilize the ADHS eLearning Management System to present educational materials relevant to cyshcn, evaluate the competency of individuals participating in the web-based learning, and provide an opportunity for participants to engage in discussions with other participants by September 2006.
        Objective 2: Utilize the azis.gov website and other partner’s websites to inform the public about education opportunities available through eLearning Management System as well as other opportunities by September 2006.
        Objective 3: Make recommendations regarding the interconnectivity of the multiple telehealth/telemedicine systems within the state of Arizona to facilitate the delivery of health and human services, education, and meetings capability to rural area of Arizona and make recommendations to the Governor by May 2008.
        Goal 3: Evaluate the effectiveness of continuous screening and care coordination for CYSHCN in two pediatric practices and two school-based clinics on the identification, referral, and follow-up of cyshcn.
        Objective 1: Identify two school-based clinics and provide them with a full-time screener, screening instruments, a part-time care coordinator, and access to an electronic database to monitor the identification, referral, treatment/services, and follow-up of identified cyshcn by September 2006.
        Objective 2: Identify two private pediatric practitioner’s offices and provide them with a full-time screener, screening instruments, a part-time care coordinator and access to an electronic database to monitor the identification, referral, treatment/services and follow-up of identified cyshcn by September 2006.
        Objective 3: Evaluate the effectiveness of the identification, referral, and care coordination services by comparing the utilization of the two school-based clinics with two matched clinics that do not receive the services by December 2007.
        Goal 4: Ensure that youth with special health care needs and family members included as key decision makers in all aspects of the grant.
        Objective 1: Financially compensated yshcn will participate as individuals on the committees and through a Youth Action Council and will make recommendations on youth self-advocacy and transition issues to the Integrated Services Task Force by January 2008.
        Objective 2: Financially compensated parents of cyshcn participate as members on all of the committees and through a Parent Action Council and will make recommendations as to how health, social, and educational services for cyshcn can be more family centered and community based to the Task Force by January 2008.
        Objective 3: Expand the Community Development Initiative to other state and local agencies to ensure that agency activities are parent driven, agency supported, and community based by having agencies financially support their own teams or participate as partners in existing community teams by January 2008.
        Goal 5: Ensure that all activities include individuals of different racial, ethnic, socioeconomic, and faith-based cultures and that all of the grant activities are culturally competent.
        Objective 1: Develop a multi-agency, cultural and racially diverse Cultural Competency Committee to review policies and procedures, cultural competency and other training materials to ensure that all materials used in the provision of services to cyshcn are culturally competent by January 2008
        Objective 2: Develop two community teams in underserved racially diverse communities by having existing community teams provide the administrative support and mentorship by June 2006.
      3. Activities/Methodology undertaken to meet project goals:

        Arizona has convened a statewide Task Force to make recommendations on how to integrate services for cyshcn. The Task Force meets quarterly to review the recommendations from the nine subcommittees that meet monthly. The information, recommendations, and decisions will be available on the website to facilitate a wider discussion within the state on the issues related to integration. To address the need for community-based families-driven services, youth, self-advocates, and families of cshcn will participate in all of the committees and define the parent and community-specific goals through the Parent Action Council and the Community Development Initiative. Two teams have been initiated to serve the underserved: one in the Hopi Nation and the other with the Sickle Sell Anemia Society. To increase access to information and services, technology will be enhanced throughout the state. The ADHS eLearning Management System allows individuals access to consistent, high quality information on a variety of topics related to cyshcn. Statewide telemedicine and telehealth capabilities will be evaluated to determine a way to maximize the interconnectivity of these multiple systems to serve rural and underserved areas. Four medical home will evaluate the effect of increased early and continuous screening and care management on the identification, referral, and follow-up of cshcn. Two of these medical home will be in rural Arizona and two in metropolitan areas.

      4. The first three Healthy People 2010 objectives which this project addresses are listed below.

        1. Related to Objective 16.23. Increase the proportion of Territories and States that have service systems for Children with Special Health Care Needs to 100 percent.
        2. Related to Objective 16.23: Increase the proportion of States and jurisdictions that have service systems for children with or at risk for chronic and disabling conditions as required by Public Law 101-239.
        3. Related to Objective 23.11 (Developmental) Increase the proportion of State and local public health agencies that meet national performance standards for essential public health services.

      5. Coordination: List the State, local health agencies or other organizations involved project and their roles.

        This grant enhances Arizona’s Title V program’s collaborative relationships with National Centers; the CMS Family Information Centers; federal, state and local agencies; providers; and cyshcn and their families to provide a single source of information, coordination of, and enhanced funding for services for CSHCN. We have formed working partnerships to produce products, facilitate training, inform communities and legislators, and monitor outcomes throughout the state of Arizona.

      6. Evaluation : briefly describe the methods which will be used to determine whether process and outcome objectives are met.

        Attendance and satisfaction data is collected at every committee meeting to ensure that participants are engaged and find the activities appropriate. Monitors of achieving the individual committee goals and objectives are currently underway and the first data will be available after May 2006. The largest evaluation component will occur in the four medical home sites where data will be collected on the screening, care coordination, and medical home characteristics as perceived by the families.

    2. Continuing Grants ONLY

      1. Experience to Date :

        The Integrated Service Task Force has been meeting since October 2005 and seven of the nine committees have met and establish strategies and activities to meet the goals and objectives specified in the grant. These activities have brought the needs of cyshcn more to the forefront in the state, resulting in participation in a subcommittee of the School Readiness Board and a subcommittee of the Arizona Medical Association. The ability to connect all of these activities through the ADHS eLearning Management System and the grant website further enhances communication and partnerships. The Quality Improvement Committee has selected the instrumentation to be used in the screening and evaluation of the medical home. As a result of this activity, OCSHCN jointly submitted a proposal with Utah State University to expand the school-based clinic study to include two matched untreated control clinics. Interagency activities that have grown out of these relationships include the joint funding of the Youth Transition Summit and the funding by the Arizona Department of Juvenile Corrections for the participation of families of incarcerated youth with the community teams. The development of two new community teams on the Hopi Reservation and the Sickle Cell Team assist in the development of teams in underserved communities. The Community Development Initiative is assisting the Department of Economic Security in developing community teams throughout the state for people involved with that agency.

      2. Website URL and annual number of hits:

        URL: www.azis.gov

        Number of hits: 870

  5. Key Words

    • Adolescent health
    • Case management
    • Children with special health care needs
    • Communities
    • Cultural diversity
    • Education
    • Integration
    • School based clinics
    • Screening
    • Telemedicine

  6. Annotation:

    The Arizona Integrated Task Force will evaluate the potential integration of many areas of service related to cyshcn: education, telehealth/telemedicine, data, cultural competency, funding of services, youth transition issues, quality improvement, parental involvement, and community development. The results of this evaluation will be presented to the Governor outlining specific recommendations. In addition, four medical home sites will be utilized to evaluate efficacy of routine screening for all children and care coordination for cyshcn needing services outside of the medical home. The questions to be addressed are: Does routine screening identify more cyshcn and does care coordination ensure the cyshcn receive the needed services?

Are the Data Reported on this Form Provisional or Final?


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